In this technology-pervasive environment, the attainment of technical education is becoming a much sought after goal of the youth of the nation.
I am positive that for the academic and research pursuits, Government College of Technology Sangla Hill is the most preferred destination for the best students.
Our motto: “To enhance the global competitiveness in Pakistan through a quality and productive workforce by developing a demand driven, standardized and dynamic technical education system”.
Since its establishment in 2010, the GCT Sangla Hill has always been at the forefront of innovations and has played an active part in shaping the modern day technical education.
GCT Sangla Hill is currently offering Four regular programs of 3-years Diploma of Associate Engineer in Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics and Civil technologies affiliated with Punjab Board of Technical Education, Lahore. Many short courses are also available.
If you choose to study at the GCT Sangla Hill you will be joining one of the most forward looking institutions. We are committed to our distinguished reputation as a world class learning. Your right choice will place you in good stead for the acquisition of advanced knowledge and your job prospects after studying at the GCT Sangla Hill would second to none.
The channels of getting higher education are open for DAE graduates on the basis of equivalency with F.Sc. You can get admission in B.Sc Engineering and B.Sc. Engineering Technology programs of any engineering and technology university.
With Best Wishes